
What's the Savannah?
Our base name next year in Year 2 will be Savannah Base.
Do you know the Savannah is?  Where would you find it? 
Animals in the Savannah

More images of African Savannah

Drawing and painting flowers
Look at how Quentin Blake adds colour to his sketches.  Look at how he mixes colour and uses watercolour.
Quentin Blake watercolours

What's in your garden?
We're beginning to think about what we would like to learn about in our next topic.  Have a look at this activity and quiz to get you thinking about what you already know and what you'd like to find out.
BBC science clips

Making Connections 
Use this website to look at how to be safe around electricity.

Spring 1 Topic
             'May the force be with you'
We are going to be learning about forces and movement. This will include investigating making things move, how to make things speed up or slow down. Also, we'll be looking at how you can use forces to make toys and moving images. 

These are the questions you have asked for our topic -
Are forces important?

How many forces are there?

What are forces? 

How do use a force?

Can forces be dangerous?

When do you use forces?

Why do you need forces?

How can forces stop things?

Can forces be fast?

Can you play with forces?

Here is a game to get you start thinking about forces:
Forces and movement game

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