
This week we're going to be looking at recognising fractions
Here are some activities we'll be using to help us learn.
Fraction Flags
What fraction of kite is shaded?

Pairs of Numbers 
Play these games to practise pairs of numbers that total 100
hit the button

Comparing numbers
Here are some links to activities for you to do for home learning that help you practise comparing numbers.
Greater and less than crocodiles
< > cards to place between numbers

Can you estimate what number the arrow is pointing to? Start at level one and move up to level 2 then 3.
What helps you work out what the number is?  
Estimate where the arrow is

Fractions Investigation
Can you find all the different ways to split the shape in half?
Half quest

Doubles and Halves
hit the button for doubles and halves

Home learning - Using Money
Here are a a few links to games you could play to help you get better at working out totals of money and what coins to use.

Remember to start with the largest number or coin first. 

Buying 2 items

Work out coins to pay

What coins needed to pay?

Want something challenging? Try this one working out the change to give
Challenging task working out what change to give

Telling the time.

Here are some top tips for telling the time:
ü  remember the long hand is for minutes and the short hand is for hours
ü  If the long hand is at 12 it is o’clock
ü  If the long hand is at 6 it is half past
ü  If the long hand is at 3 it is ¼ past
ü  If the long hand is at 9 it is ¼ to the next hour.
ü  Look at the minute hand first then the hour hand.

Try out these games to help you with telling the time -

Wednesday 13.2.13
Sorting objects and information.
Hexagon and pentagons group activity

Home learning 31.1.13
Click on the links below to help learn 3D shapes 
3D Shapes Game

Matching 3D shapes with their name

Wednesday 23rd January
Pairs of numbers that total 100
How many questions can you answer in the time?

Pentagons and Hexagons
Count on to next multiple of 10 then count in 10s to 
work out what is needed to make 100

Monday 14th January
Circles and Triangles
Try this game for adding 10
THEN this one for adding 11 think about adding 10 then one more.

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