Thursday 14 February 2013


Using forces to make sounds to create a sound story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

We looked at what forces are used to make sounds on instruments and how using a big or small force can change the volume or pitch if an instrument.
After that we started to think about what sounds and instruments we could use to create the right sounds and effects for retelling the traditional tale.  It was a great story with a huge BANG CRASH at the end! 


Making Moving Images

As part of our topic 'May the force be with you' we looked at how you can use forces to make images move.  We investigated how pop-up books and toys are made to move and then designed our own images to go with the Traditional Tales we've been looking at in Literacy.  Here are some of our finished images.  Can you work out how they are made to move? 

Friday 8 February 2013

Enterprise week.

This week we have designed, made, marketed and sold products during Enterprise Week.  Have a look at the fantastic windmills and spinners we made. 

Ready to sell our products.

Sharing our designs.


Gymnastics Festival
On Monday Beanstalk Base took part in the Year 2 Gymnastics Festival.  We used trampolines, balance bars and followed trails of jumps as well as performing our gym sequence.  It was a great morning, we were all very tired afterwards!

Friday 1 February 2013

Numeracy - Symmetry

Making symmetrical patterns.
We have looked at finding lines of symmetry on shapes and then tried making our own symmetrical patterns with shapes and on biscuits!