Wednesday 26 September 2012

Numeracy- rounding numbers

We have been learning about how to round numbers to the nearest 10.
You asked to be able to play these games at home so here they are.

Remember our top tips for rounding numbers to the nearest 10:

  • Look at the number
  • Decide which 2 tens numbers it lies between
  • Look at the end digit
  • If it ends in 1,2,3,or 4 round down
  • If it ends in 5,6,7,8 or 9 round up

Monday 24 September 2012

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Science - Food Topic

Do you know that food can be sorted into different food groups? 
Find out about them on this website.


Saturday 15 September 2012

Creating Beanstalk Base

Working on a large scale creating the giant. 

Making the hen who lays golden eggs
Making puppets and retelling the story

Building the Giant's Castle 

Drawing Jack and the Giant showing the
difference in sizes between them.


Our class charter began as the seeds of our rights. It has now grown into our responsibilities. Look at our beanstalk showing our class charter. We have all contributed a leaf towards it to show we all agree to follow our class charter and to work hard to respect everyone's rights. 

Thursday 13 September 2012


This week we've been learning about reading and writing numbers up to 100.
We have looked at what each digit represents in a number too.
Here are some of the activities we used to help our learning.
Have a go at them at home too.

Reading numbers in figures and words

Penguin place value Game

Thursday 6 September 2012

Welcome to Beanstalk Base!

Hello and welcome to Beanstalk Base!

Hope you have all had a lovely summer and are ready for a fantastic time
in Year 2.
We are going to need to work hard this week to turn our classroom into a 
beanstalk base.  Are you ready to create giants, beanstalks and castles?!
Keep looking on here to see our progress.